One thing we are all about @Brickell and KB moms is going back to the basics. That is why we love, love, love the different wooden and old school toys available at
We adored this creative Curvy Board/ Waldorf Rocker Board made by Openendedcreations. Imagination is what is needed to decide the number of uses for this awesome board! According to the creators of the toy, possibilities are endless from teeter totters, balance beams, slides, and… anything else your child can dream up. The “unlimited range of possibilities is what makes open ended toy an ideal learning toy for 21st century learning skills.” If you think about it- In a world where technology sometimes takes over our kids, it is the imagination, innovation, and creativity of the human mind that has value. It is said that rocking helps develop a child’s sense of balance and for the brain to sort sensory impressions. The value in any toy is not what the toy can do, but what the child can do with it.
Check out their entire handmade to vintage Etsy’s Kid approved toy section for amazing inspirational toys!