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  • Happy 2014!

    new year 2014

    The year starts new and fresh and most of us have similar intentions and resolutions to fulfill such as:  spending less time plugged in and more quality time with family, exercising and eating healthier, learning something new, getting organized, making homemade dinners, etc. So, the first few weeks, you join a gym, eat more fruits and veggies and do all the right things. Two months later you find yourself in a cluttered kitchen eating a chocolate brownie trying to figure out when was the last time you attended that zumba class. Why is it so hard? How can we commit and keep those resolutions? One of my resolutions this year will be to try to make them happened all throughout the year. To do that, I have decided to re-check and adapt my resolutions every 3 months. I have figured that if I make trying to keep my resolutions’ part of my resolutions, at least I will have fulfilled one!

    What are your resolutions? Whatever they are-this 2014, we wish you perseverance to keep up with them. But most of all, we wish you patience and the ability to enjoy whatever comes your way. Take time and appreciate the wonderful kids you have created. Trust your motherhood instincts, 2014 will be a great year for us moms!



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