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  • Our Mom of the Month!


    Imelda, a charming and lovely Mexican-American,  33 years old, a cancer who holds a Bachelor’s in Hospitality has been living in Brickell for the past year. She is married to Enrique Goicochea and is the proud mom of Natalia of 4 years of age. Imelda is currently studying to be a Health Coach while managing her home and family. Today she shares with us all the emotions of motherhood with her little daughter, and how she has managed to find the perfect balance for her and her family.

    Do you think you are a super mom?  Why?

    Yes, I believe I am a super mom because my daughter makes me feel that way, there is no more to it than that. Natalia sang it to me the day of my birthday (Laughs)

    Has motherhood changed your priorities and the way you see and feel life?

     Yes, I did not have plans to be a mom, I knew eventually I was going to be one, but since I saw Natalia being born, the chip changed immediately, giving me much more reason to my life

    Is it possible to find balance between being a woman, being a wife and a mom?

    Totally, it is up to us to achieve it, having your priorities clear. Always put your self as a person and as a woman. I know all of us, think about our kids, about our partners, but if you are not ok with yourself, you are not going to be able to offer it to your surroundings, I am convinced women are the center of a home. Depending on your emotional state and how your project it, it will with no doubt impact your kids and partner.  I have always been convinced that when the mother is well balanced, harmony reigns at home. It is possible

    What are the most difficult challenges that you have been through with your daughter?

      Eating habits, to substitute and give more healthy foods. This has been part of my life, having to negotiate with her and see her mood swings with the food topic. I see it, when she feels repressed of certain things; this is a teen like topic. (Laughs)

    With everything you do during the day, how do you find time for yourself?

    I have one day of the week for me, a dear Mexican friend Silvia that lives in Miami shared it one day with me, and I apply it strictly. I chose Fridays, and almost every Friday I have coffee with friends or I take care of myself  (manicure, pedi, eyebrows, hair). But it is not easy..

    What would be the best advise you could give to other moms?

    Communicating, with that I mean that children do understand. Do not underestimate children thinking that they dont understand, children are very wise and they understand more than  we think. It has worked for Natalia and me. Since she was very little I have always explained why I am doing something in particular, this generates her confidence in what is going on around her.

    Thanks to the mom of the month for sharing a little bit of her life with us! These days being a mom is not an easy task, between being a woman, a wife and a stay home or working mom, many women like Imelda juggle to find some free time by being creative with their kids and their surroundings. No matter how we all do it, being everything at the same time makes us super women.




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