Quote of the week
“The great motherhood friendships are the ones in which two women can admit [how difficult mothering is] quietly to each other, over cups of tea at a table sticky with spilled apple juice and littered with markers without tops.” ― Anna Quindlen
Did you know that there is a new after school program in Coral Gables that is just perfect for your little ones? The Fun Spot by Key Point Coral Gables is offering free trials for art classes by the Petite Palette, Kidokinetics, Martial Arts, Piano, Princess Time and Mommy & Me classes for babies 4-12 months (great opportunity to check out the preschool environment and get your baby acquainted)
Check out the schedule below and do not miss Free Trials this week, call them to secure your spot as there are limited spaces (305.549.8125)
Monday thru Friday (Coming soon Saturdays!)
Location: 3066 SW 38th Avenue, Miami, FL 33146 / 305.549.8125
As part of our community, we are very honored that KBCS PTA was officially recognized as National PTA School of Excellence, receiving the 2015 Phoebe Apperson Outstanding Family-School Partnership Award. An incredibly proud moment for KBCS, all PTA members (including one of our Community Leaders Marina Ventura) and the dedicated Board Members who made it happen. […]
POR IME LIZARRAGA / para BKB Moms Sabemos que es el inicio de año y nuestra lista de propósitos seguro es de lo más motivadora, entusiasta y muy probablemente cargada de tareas y sueños por cumplir. Es estimulante hacer esta visualización, en realidad es vital hacerlo. Visualizar nuestro año nos permite influenciar a nuestra mente. […]
The following ladies are just some of the most influential and proactive women that make part of our growing and engaged community of moms in Miami. BKB Moms has selected the 2016 Community Leaders according to different criteria. Each Community Leader serves as an ambassador, a mentor and a friend to all who join our group. They’re here to act […]
Por IME LIZARRAGA / para BKB Moms Nuestro cuerpo tiene hambre de movimiento, nos los hace saber cada vez que volteamos a ver a cualquier persona que esta ejercitándose, ya sea montando bicicleta, corriendo, practicando yoga, bailando zumba, es en ese momento que se nos dispara un deseo de activarnos. Sin embargo, nuestra primera reacción […]
Would you like to make informed decisions when it comes to the right school for your kids? We have great news! We will be hosting the 3rd Annual School Fair! Come join us Saturday October 10th, and hear from the experts on the different preschool philosophies, entering the school system, application processes, bilingual and […]