• Quote of the week

    “The great motherhood friendships are the ones in which two women can admit [how difficult mothering is] quietly to each other, over cups of tea at a table sticky with spilled apple juice and littered with markers without tops.” ― Anna Quindlen

Editor’s picks
  • Summer time – no plans?

    32 things to do with kids in Miami

    How stressful is the end of the school year? Let me tell you how!.  Oh sure, there’s the joy of not having to drive to school or argue about homework for 10 blissful weeks; but blissful loses its luster pretty quickly in the face of, “What are we going to do today?” – particularly if you have ran out of ideas after a week of pool, beach, pool, beach, pool, beach…. We know we should have figured out summer camp by now, really we do. We have a stack of flyers for fabulous programs that are probably filled up already with kids whose parents got on this weeks ago.

    Summer vacation may be staring you in the face, but there’s no need to panic; all of the camps listed on our camp expert page will probably have availability. Some of the programs even allow families to book by the day,  for ultimate spontaneity. After all, you have to leave some time to bum around doing the fun things in our 32 things to do in Miami with kids. 

  • 32 Things To Do in Miami With Kids This Summer


    School is finally over! If you are staying in Miami or you are planning a visit to Miami – There are plenty of fun things to do with the kids in and around this summer. Whether you want to enjoy the sunshine outside, get away from the rain! or cool off indoors. Read on for a […]

  • Un día como turista local en Miami – A day as a local tourist in Miami

    monasterio 2

    Hola, aquí estoy de nuevo y hoy para compartirles una de mis actividades favoritas. Desde hace ya mas de un año que una vez por mes con una amiga hemos instaurado “el día del turismo local”. Te preguntarás en que consiste esto de turismo local? – Bueno, básicamente decidimos ser turistas en la ciudad que […]

  • Families in Paradise

    Hi there! There is a new event coming to Key Biscayne this weekend. BKB Moms is a proud member and supporter of the Key Biscayne Chamber of Commerce so we highly encourage you to join this fun-filled day designed to bring families together while learning about the different businesses in the community. This event provides […]

  • Que onda el nuevo Museo de Ciencias Frost en Miami?

    museo tiburon

    Me encanta porque Miami cada día está mas linda. Para las que vivimos aquí desde hace bastante, ya casi 15 años en mi caso, Miami siempre tuvo su encanto- pero debemos admitirlo en el ámbito cultural, arte y tecnología faltaban algunas cosas. Hoy me animo a decir que ya no le falta nada! Entre otras […]

  • Finding balance as a working mom


    I went to business school thinking that one day I would want to be the CEO of a company. Right after college I worked in a technology company to later move into in the banking industry. After my Master’s degree, I began academic research on Latin American female entrepreneurs. Soon, I transitioned into media. Experimenting, […]

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